Engleza, întrebare adresată de catalinaalexand, 10 ani în urmă

Traducere(in romana): Hot tears of frustration and humiliation stung Anya's eyes . They didn't believe us, mum. Even the police think we're just two hysterical fans, she sobbed.
what happened? her father asked Stefan.
We went to the police to explain our story and said we were talking rubbish. Anya's right, they think we're just weird, he said angrily.
Well I believe you' said Anya's father. I know how special you both are. You know song you told me about? i think i may be able to help explain the words.
Later Edward, warned Anya's mother. They need to rest now.
The following morning, Anya's father showed Stefan and Anya the notes he'd beem making.
Orheus was a wonderful musician. His singing was so amuzing that rivers flowed upwards to hear him sing. But Orpheus is also a ower symbol. In simple terms, he represents goodness and the power of the spirit to solve conflicts. What about the dragon? Anya asked anxiously. What does that mean?
It robably represents an obstacle. Or evil a threat, he explained.
So, what's the connection with Stone? asked Stefan. We know he's a wonderful musician but -"
Maybe there isn't a connection at all. You can'tbe sure your feelings have anything to do with this singer.
Anya sighed with relief. Thanks dad. I feel better already. But we'd sill like to go to the concert tomorrow night.
And you will. Here are the tickets, said her father. Enjoy yourselves

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Lid
Lacrimi de frustrare si umilire patrunsera in ochii Anyei?. Nu ne-au crezut , mamă. Până şi poliţia  a crezut ca suntem niste fani isterici/nervosi , suspina ea. Ce s-a intamplat? il intreaba tatal pe Stefan . Am fost la politie sa le explicam povestea noastra iar  ei au spus ca vorbim prostii. Anya are dreptate, poate suntem ciudati ,spune el nervos. Te cred , spune tatal , stiu cat de speciale sunteti. Mai sti melodia de care mi-ai spus? Poate o sa ajute sa explice aceste cuvinte. Mai tarziu , Edward , a avertizat-o pe mama Anyei . Trebuiau sa se odihneasca. Dimineata urmatoare ,  tatal anyei le-a aratat fetei si lui stefan notitele pe care le facuse. Orheus a fost un muzician bun . Cantatul lui era asa amuzant incat raurile curgeau in sus cand il auzeau ( asta am tradus-o cam aiurea , dar nu stiu expresia coresp in romana ) . Dar acest Orpheus este un simbol al puterii . Pe scurt , el reprezinta binele si puterea de spirit pt a rezolva conflicte. Ce sti despre dragon? intreaba Anya  nelinistita .Despre ce e vorba? Probabil reprezinta un obstacol , sau o amentitare , ii explica. Dar care este legatura cu Stone? intreaba stefan , stim ca este un bun muzician , dar ..- 
poate ca nu este nicio legatura . nu poti fii sigur ca sentimentele tale au de a face cu acest muzician. Anya rasufla usurata. Multumesc , tata! Deja ma simt mai bine . Dar tot am vrea sa mergem la concert maine seara . Si veti merge. Aici sunt biletele , a spus tatal . Sa va simtiti bine !

Lid: speciali* , orpheus*
catalinaalexand: iti multumesc mult
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