Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

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Utilizator anonim: ok
Utilizator anonim: WAS: He was at home in the morning. The girl was not in the park.
HEARD: Ana heard the dog in the forest. The lady didn't heard the dor bell.
STOOD: The man stood in front of the bank. Jonny never stood in that house.
ASKED: Where are you studing? asked Mary. You didn't asked her name.
SAID: He said that he is going to the movies. He didin't said hello.
FOUND: The man found the tresure. He didn't found anything.
TOOK: My friend took me to the party. He didn't took the girl to school.
Utilizator anonim: ANSWERED: The student answered the question. He didn't answered the teacher's question.
SAT: He sat down on the chair. The dog sat down quietly.
OPENED: He opened the dog of the frige. The store was not open.
DUG: the dog dug a hole in the back yard. He didn't dug the hole.
CAME: Gandma came for a visit yesterday. The waiter didn't came.
WENT: he went home. the kid went to the store.
SHOUTED: He shouted at the concert. The boy didn't shouted to his teacher.
Utilizator anonim: STOPPED: The car stopped at the traffic light. The car didn't stopped at the red light.
LOOKED: The girl looked happy. He didn't looked at the movie.
HAD: He had 4 apples yesterday. The boy didn't had the book.
TOUCHED: The girl touched the horse gently. They didn't touched the fruits.
WOKE: Dan woke up really early. Nicole didn't woke up on time this morning.
SLEPT: Tudor slept very much this morning. I didn't slept last night.
DISAPPERED: the cat disappered and I didnt't found her.
Utilizator anonim: 'I didn't disappered' the girl said.
LOVED: the boy loved his dolphin really much. Ana didn't loved her aunt.
BOUGHT: Mom bought a lot of toys . She didn't bought a tichet for the concert.
USED: He used a pen to write. The girl didn't used the book I give her.
THOUGHT: He thought of an ideea. The boy didn't thought when he answered.
BEAT: He beat the bad guy in the movie. The man didn't beat the carpet.
WALKED: She walked home from school. He didn't walked with her home.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955
Lui Owen ii placea aurul. Deoarece isi cumparase foarte multe lucruri, l-a terminat in curand. Asa ca, intr-o buna zi, s-a intors la copacul cel batran de pe munte. A sapat, a gasit piatra, a coborat pe tunel in jos, a luat o gramada de aur. Pe drumul inapoi, Owen a atins clopotul din nou si un cavaler s-a trezit. In tunel era intuneric si Owen era singur si speriat. “Care sunt cuvintele?” se intreba el. Cavalerii se trezira…. “O, nu! Cuvintele, cuvintele….” Dar apoi cavalerii venire si il batura. Mai tarziu, prietenul lui Owen l-a gasit pe munte si l-a luat acasa. Din acea zi Owen n-a mai putut umbla si a devenit foarte sarac. Prietenul lui l-a dus inapoi la copacul cel batran si a sapat, si a sapat, da rei nu au mai gasit niciodata nici piatra si nici tunelul.
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