When computers first started to be used on a wide scale, some people predicted that we would spend so long staring at computer screens that we would end up forgetting how to talk to one another. But in fact, the rapid expansion of electronic communication in the 21st century has had the opposite effect.
Rather than retreating into themselves, people are using new technology, in particular email and text messaging, to find more and more ways to expand their network of friends.
Alice Thompson, 23, is known as the Text Queen to her friends because she sends out so many messages. "When we go out, my friends and I text other friends, saying, "We're in this club and it's really good. Come and meet us." This flexibility when making social arrangements means she no longer has to plan ahead, she says.
Instead, decisions can be made on the spot, and friends can be gathered together at a moment's notice.
Alice has found text messaging has other advantages too. "If there is a guy I like, I find it easier to send text messages initially rather than phone him up," she says. She finds that she feels less nervous that way.
"There is one guy, a friend of a friend, who I don't know that well, but we've started to text message each other and that's how we communicate. I would never phoned him up but this way it feels OK."
Text messaging and email also help Alice keep in touch with old schoolmates she would probably have lost contact with otherwise. She can send them a message saying "Hi, thinking of you," much more easily than sitting down to write a long letter.
And she finds it's a great tool for relieving boredom in the office where she works, by sharing secret messages and passing on jokes
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Cand calculatoarele au inceput pentru prima data sa fie utilizate la sara mare, unii oameni au prezis ca vom petrece atat de mult timp uitandu-ne in ecranele calculatoarelor incat vom sfarsi prin a uita sa comunicam unii cu altii. Dar de fapt, expansiunea rapida a comunicarii electronice din secolul 21 are un efect contrar. Decat sa se izoleze, oamenii folosesc noua tehnologie, sub forma de e-mail si mesaje text, pentru a gasi din ce in ce mai multe moduri de a-si mari reteaua de prieteni. Alice Thompson, 23, este cunoscuta printre prietenii ei drept Regina Mesajelor pentru ca trimite foarte multe mesaje. "Cand iesim, eu si prietenii mei trimitem mesaje altor prieteni spunandu-le " Suntem in acest club si e foarte bine. Hai sa ne intalnim." . Aceasta flexibilitate din cadrul aranjamentelor sociale inseamna ca ea sa nu mai fie nevoita sa planuiasca dinainte, spune aceasta. In schimb, deciziile pot fi luate pe moment, si prietenii pot fi adunati impreuna pe loc. Alice a descoperit ca mesajele au si alte avantaje. "Daca este vreun baiat de care imi place, mi se pare mult mai usor sa ii trimit mesaj prima data, decat sa il sun. " Ea afirma ca se simte mai putin emotionata in acest fel. "E un baiat, un prieten de-al unui prieten, pe care nu-l cunosc asa bine, dar am inceput sa ne trimitem mesaje unul altuia, si asa comunicam noi. Nu l-as fi sunat niciodata, dar asa e ok." Mesajele si e-mail-urile o ajuta pe Alice sa pastreze legatura cu vechi colegi de scoala, cu care ar fi pierdut contactul altfel. Aceasta poate sa le trimita mesaje "Hei, ma gandesc la tine", mult mai usor decat stand jos si scriind o scrisoare lunga. Si a descoperit ca e un instrument minunat pentru a scapa de plictiseala din biroul in care lucreaza, prin a trimite mesaje secrete si a trece la glume.
sper ca te-am ajutat. e posibil sa nu fie toate propozitiile coerente, mai corectezi tu, dar in mare, asa se traduce ;)
sper ca te-am ajutat. e posibil sa nu fie toate propozitiile coerente, mai corectezi tu, dar in mare, asa se traduce ;)
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