Engleza, întrebare adresată de diana22dya, 9 ani în urmă

!!! Traduceti acest fragment din textul : MEET A TEEN DIVA!!!
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It was a Lucky break that made Charlotte famous. She had auditioned many time for singing parts in theatre musicals and had almost given up hope, when she appeared on a talent show on TV. She sang just for lines of sacred music. An executive from Sony Music UK saw her, was excited by her voice and offered her a contract. În the following two years, her career rocketed.
At weekends and during her school holidays,her schedule is very busy.Sometimes she gets tired of the lifestyle and misses her friends,but not often.Next week she is travelling to Japan to try to conquer the important Japanese market.One day she hopes she^ll sing the lead role in Puccini^s opera Madame Butterfly at La Scala in Milan.
In the history of show business,there are many examples of young people with talent-in music,film or on the stage.-who have not lived up to their early promise.But when you hear Charlotte sing,you get the feeling her name will soon be known to every serious music lover in the world...

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Kitt84
A fost un mare noroc care a facut-o pe Charlotte faimoasa. Fusese la auditii de multe ori pentru roluri de canto in teatru muzical si aproape ca isi pierduse speranta, cand a aparut la un program de talente la televizor. A cantat doar patru versuri de muzica sacra. Un executiv de la Sony Music UK a vazut-o, a fost uimit de vocea ei si i-a oferit un contract. In urmatorii doi ani, cariera ei a explodat.
In sfarsit de saptanama si in vacantele scolare, programul ei e foarte incarcat. Cateodata o oboseste acest stil de viata si ii e dor de prieteni, dar nu des. Saptamana urmatoare va calatori in Japonia sa incerce sa cucereasca importanta piata japoneza. Intr-o zi spera sa cante rolul principal in opera lui Puccini "Madame Butterly" la La Scala in Milano.
In istoria show business-ului, sunt multe exemple de tineri talentati - in muzica, film sau pe scena - care nu si-au depasit asteptarile. Dar cand o auzi pe Charlotte cantand, ai sentimentul ca numele ei va fi curand cunoscut de catre toti iubitorii de muzica din lume.
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