Traduceți acest text din Română in Engleza. (Fără google translate!)
Multi copii de nasc cu telefonul în mână. Cresc cu el, si se invata numai cu el.
Cresc într-un mod aparte, și nu se mai despart de telefon si asta ar aduce certuri in familie . Copilul creste numai cu telefonul nemaiputând nimeni sa i-l i-a din mana.
Independența aceasta de telefon l-ar afecta chiar si la invatamant si nu s-ar mai strădui cum ar trebui , iar viitorul lui ar fi pus in pericol.
De aceea ar trebui ca de la 8 ani in sus sa aiba propriul telefon pentru a evita acel risc de independență.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
Many kids were born with their phones in their hands. They grow up and get used with it.
They grow up differently, and they can't separate from their phones and this would bring many arguments in their family.
Kids grow up with their phone in their hands and nobody can't get it from them.
This independence of the phones will affect their studies, and they will never be able to be like they was, and their life would be in danger.
This is why from the age of 8, the kids should have their own phones to avoid this independence.
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