Engleza, întrebare adresată de Alex754, 9 ani în urmă


In the 1820s, in America, most people went westward in the hope of having their own land, building a ranch, finding gold, or at least living a happier life. They made the journey in four-wheeled wagons. It was not safe for one wagon to go alone, so the people used to join other wagons to cross the wild territories together. This was called a "wagon train".
One early morning in September, Florence Tremble, aged 12, and her parents and grand-parents, packed their possessions and guns on the wagon and set off for the Far West with another nine wagons. Everybody was excited with a strong desire for liberty, independence and a new life. 16416u2016q
Creaking under the weight of the load, the four-wheeled vehicle became Flo's new home for the next six weeks. The wagon was covered with canvas to protect the travellers from the hot sun, the heavy rain, the rough wind or blizzards. During the day nearly everybody walked alongside the wagons, though some of the men rode horses. At night, the train Captain, a scout who used to guide them, chose the campsite. Then the wagons were put in a circle. It was safe in the middle for the children to play and for the adults to make camp fires, milk the cows, and cook something hot. Their food consisted mostly of bacon, dried fruit, biscuits, beans, rice, tea and coffee. Then they went to sleep.
The journey seemed to be going well, but one late afternoon, when the travellers camped at the foot of the mountains, the Captain noticed some smoke in the distance : Indians ! In the next few minutes arrows pierced the canvas of the wagons and the camp was in flames. There were shouts and yells, and cries. It was hell on Earth ! Flo thought it was the end. Half an hour later, the travellers were left counting the dead and the wounded . . . But not all the Indians were warlike people; some came to ask for gifts of tea, tobacco or sugar; others bartered bead belts, bracelets or necklaces for combs or mirrors.
Later on, the big family of travellers had to face another danger. The ground began to tremble and they all heard the dreaded noise of a stampede. A large herd of buffaloes came rushing by suddenly and wildly, almost trampling over the whole camp. The travellers were all tired, weak and desperate. Enthusiasm died, the journey seemed to have no end, they had no more supplies, and many died of starvation.

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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
In anii 1820, in America, cei mai multi oameni au mers in partea de vest in speranta de a avea propriul lor pamant, de a-si construi ferme, de a gasi aur, sau cel putin sa traiasca o viata mai fericita. Ei au facut calatoria in 4 vagoane cu roti. Nu a fost sigur ca un vagon sa mearga de unul singur, asa ca oamenii au luat alte vagoane pentru ca trece teritoriile salbatice impreuna. Acest lucru a fost numit " vagonul tren " .
Intr-o dimineata in Septembrie, Florence Tremble, in varsta de12 ani, impreuna cu parintii ei si bunicii ei, si-au impachetat bunurile si armele in vagon si s-au pregatit pentru Vestul indepartat cu inca 9 vagoane. Toti erau emotionati gandindu-se la libertate, independenta si o noua viata.

Utilizator anonim: Am tradus doar jumate, traduc si cealalta jumatate imediat
Utilizator anonim: Scartaind sub greutatea bunurilor, vagonul cu 4 roti a devenit noua casa a lui Flo' pentru urmatoarele 6 saptamani.
Utilizator anonim: Vagonul a fost acoperit cu panza pentru a protecta calatorii de soarele cald, ploaia cea grea, vantul cel puternic sau vrajitori. In timpul zilei aproape toate lumea a mers
Utilizator anonim: Aproape toata lumea a mers cu vagoanele, iar unii oameni au calarit cai. Noaptea, capitanul tenului, un cercetas care ghida grupul, a ales locul de tabara. Vagoanele au fost puse in cerc. Era sigur ca in mijlocul lor sa se joace copii iar adultii sa faca focuri de tabara, sa mulga vacile si sa gateasca. Mancarea lor consta cel mai mult in slanina, fructe uscate, biscuiti, fasole, orez, ceai si cafea. Apoi au mers sa doarma.
Utilizator anonim: Calatoria parea sa mearga foarte bine, dar intr-o dupa amiaza tarzie, cand calatorii au campat la picioarele unor munti, capitanul a observat un fum in distanta: indieni! in urmatoarele minute, panzele vagoanelor au fost strapunse de sageti iar locul de tabara a luat foc. Se auzeau tipete si strigate, si plansete. Era iadul pe pamant! Flo a crezut ca era sfarsitul. Peste o jumatate de ora mai tarziu, calatorii au fost lasati cu nenumarate morti si raniti...
Utilizator anonim: Dar nu toti indienii erau razboinici; unii au venit sa ceara cadouri cu ceai, tobacco sau zahar.
Utilizator anonim: Altii faceau schimb de siraguri de curele de margele, bratari sau lanturi pentru pieptene si oglinzi. Mai tarziu, familia cea mare de calatori a trebuit sa faca fata unui alt pericol.
Utilizator anonim: Pamantul a inceput sa se cutremure si ei toti au auzit zgomotul unei basculade. O turma mare de bivoli se apropiau brusc si salbatic, aproape calcand toata tabara in picioare.
Utilizator anonim: Toti calatorii erau obositi, slabi si disperati. Entuziasmul murise, calatoria parea sa nu aiba sfarsit, iar ei nu aveau provizii, si multi murisera de foame.
Utilizator anonim: asta e tot
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