traduceti din romana in engleza Teatrul Globe se afla in Londra . 2. Muntii Carpati nu sunt foarte inalti,dar varful O mu este cel mai cunoscut . 3. Tare ar vrea sa traverseze Oceanul Atlantic si sa cunoasca locuri minunate despre care a citit toata viata . 4. Orasul lui preferat este Paris ,dar ceea ce ii place cel mai mult este Parisul din romanele lui Victor Hugo . 5. Fericirea si sanatatea nu se pot cumpara la kilogram . 6. Au plecat la plimbare brat la brat in dimineata insorita de iulie . 7. De n-ar fi facut greseala dupa greseala ,nimeni nu l-ar fi considerat vinovat de pierderea meciului . 8. se uita la cei din jur de parca nu i-ar fi vazut niciodata in viata lui . .9. Ar prefera sa fie platit cu 50 de dolari pe zi . 11. Un mar pe zi te tine sanatos , spun englezii.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
1.Globe Theatre is located in London.
2.Carpathian Mountains are not very high, but the Omu top is very popular.
3.Very much he would like to cross the Atlantic Ocean and visit beatiful places he read about.
4.His favorite city is Paris, but she likes more the Paris from the Victor Hugo novels.
5.Happiness and health can not be bought by the kilogram.
6.They left together to walk arm in arm in a sunny Jule morning.
7.If he haven't done mistake after mistake , nobody will consider guilty for losing the match.
8.He is looking at the people around like he never saw them.
9.He would prefer to be paid 50 dollars a day.
10.A apple per day keeps you healthy, brithish says.
Sper ca ii de folos.
2.Carpathian Mountains are not very high, but the Omu top is very popular.
3.Very much he would like to cross the Atlantic Ocean and visit beatiful places he read about.
4.His favorite city is Paris, but she likes more the Paris from the Victor Hugo novels.
5.Happiness and health can not be bought by the kilogram.
6.They left together to walk arm in arm in a sunny Jule morning.
7.If he haven't done mistake after mistake , nobody will consider guilty for losing the match.
8.He is looking at the people around like he never saw them.
9.He would prefer to be paid 50 dollars a day.
10.A apple per day keeps you healthy, brithish says.
Sper ca ii de folos.
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