Engleza, întrebare adresată de elenaelisam, 9 ani în urmă

Traduceți in engleză
Diana Francez Spencer s a născut la data de 1 iunie 1961 in Park House .Ea a decedat la vârstă de 36 de ani ,la data de 31 august 1997.A fost înmormântat in .....,decesul fiind cauzat de un accident rutier.Părinții ei au fost.....si mama ei ..mmm,ea a mai avut un frate...
Ea a fost căsătorită cu .....si a avut 2 copii....
Ea avea ocupația de ecologist, filantroapa,umanitarism,sicialitate

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de vladimirbosea18


Diana Francez Spencer was born on the date 1st of June in 1961 in Park House. She died at the age of 36 , on the date 31st of August 1997. She was burried in..., the death was caused by a car crash. Her parent were... and her mother.... , she also had a brother. She was married with... and she had 2 children... She had the task occupation of an ecologist, humanitarian, sociality. ( nu Inteleg ce ai scris la a 2 -a ocupație)

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