Engleza, întrebare adresată de AndreeaDY, 9 ani în urmă

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Cand aveam 13 ani, am fost impreuna cu colegii si profesoara mea la Soroca . Am facut un picnic . Apoi voiam sa luam niste apa de la un izvor care era pe un deal . Ne-am urcat cu totii sus . Cand am incercat sa ma cobor jos, am alunecat si m-am rostogolit la vale . Atunci cand colegii mei vazuse asta, au venit imediat sa ma ajute . Aveam zgarieturi pe picioare si spate. Ma durea putin . Din fericire, nu fusese nimic grav . Am mai stat aproximativ 3 ore la Soroca, apoi am plecat cu totii acasa . Pe la 7 seara ajunsesem acasa . Cand i-am spus mamei ce s-a intamplat, s-a panicat . M-a certase putin . Dar peste 2 saptamani nu mai aveam dureri. Totul a fost bine .

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Răspuns de Slliner

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When I was 13, I was together with my colleagues and my teacher in Soroca. We made a picnic. Then we wanted to take some water from a fount that was on a hill. We all went up. When I tried to get down, I slipped and rolled over on the hill. When my colleagues saw this, they immediately came to help me. I had scratches on my legs and back. It hurt a little. Fortunately, it wasn't anything serious. We stayed about 3 more hours in Soroca, then we all went home. I arrived  home at 7 pm. When I told my mother what had happened, she panicked. She scolded me a little. But in 2 weeks I was not in pain anymore. Everything was fine.

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