Engleza, întrebare adresată de Selena1111, 9 ani în urmă

Traduceti in limba engleza!(urgent :-) )

" Acus cativa ani telefonul era foarte scump.Doar unii isi permiteau asemenea lucru,dar acum e posibil.In proportie de 80% din tineretul zilelor noastre au un SMARTPHONE.
Opinia mea este ca nu ar trebui sa ni se spuna "GENERATIA SMARTPHONE!".
In primul rand suntem niste oameni,nu roboti.Poate ca asa ne exprimam noi,e mai bine decat sa intri in belele.
In al doilea rand,s-a gandit cineva de ce tinem la acel telefon?Nu?Exact,acel telefon ne stie emotile,trairile si secretele,dar nu le spune.El este un prieten care este langa noi cand ne simtim rau,mereu are o muzica buna care sa ne binedispuna.Chiar daca are efecte rele asupra noastra,de exemplu depedenta sau orbitul,avem mai multa incredere in el decat in oameni.Un telefon te intelege mai bine decat un om,asta e ce cred eu.
In concluzie,telefonul este un fel de prieten pentru tinerii din ziua de azi! "

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de roxanaadriana94
"Ago  few years the phone was very expensive. Only afford some such thing, but now it possible.In 80% of youth today have a smartphone.My opinion is that we should not be told "GENERATION SMARTPHONE."First, some people are not so toil.Maybe as we express us, it's better than to get into trouble.Secondly, why keep someone thought that call? No? Exactly, that phone us know your feelings, feelings and secrets, but not tell.He is a friend who is near us when we feel bad, always has a good music that we mettlesome.Even if it has bad effects on us, for example, orbital addicted, we have more confidence in him than in peopple.Un phone understands you better than a man, that's what I think.In conclusion, the phone is a sort of friend to the youth of today! "

Lolycuss: nu e bine
Selena1111: :-)
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