Engleza, întrebare adresată de nicoletaluminita1, 9 ani în urmă

Traduceti-mi si mie fragmetul acesta in engleza va rog!!!
Felix nu-l vazuse niciodata pe Pascalopol asa de vorbaret. Mosierul povestea, insa avea aerul ca face o marturisire deghizata, ca-si descarca sufletul. De altfel, acelasi sentiment parea sa-l aiba si Otilia, fiindca, reluand-si un vechi obicei, se aseza indaratul scaunului mosierului, si-i tot scutura cu mana umerii hainelor. Pascalopol avea aerul sa zica: "numai eu stiu sa iubesc, fiindca sufletul meu e vacant, fiindca eu n-am iubit inca pe nimeni". Amintindu-si ce-i spusese mosierul despre trecutul lui, Felix patrunse pentru intaia oara, eliberat de egoismul lui de tanar, mica tragedie a lui Pascalopol. Mosierul suporta dificultatile unei familii mai mult decat mos Costache, insa cu riscul de a fi plictisitor.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
Felix had never seen Pascalopol so talkative. Mosier was telling, but he had the air to make a disguised confession, to unload his soul. In fact, Otilia seemed to have the same feeling, because, relying on an old habit, he sat down on the back of the master's chair, shaking his shoulder with his hand. Pascalopol had the air to say, "Only I know how to love, because my soul is empty, because I have not yet loved anyone." Remembering what the mosquito had told him about his past, Felix had for the first time escaped, freed of his young selfishness, Pascalopol's little tragedy. The Moser suffers the difficulties of a family more than Costache, but at the risk of being boring.
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