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Multi dintre tineri au devenit atat de dependenti sau obsedati de telefoanele mobile incat nu mai pot trai fara ele.
Telefonul mobil: un pericol pentru creierul nostru
Mai multe studii in domeniu arata ca telefoanele mobile si alte dispozitive asemenatoare fara fir pun in pericol sanatatea creierului nostru. Specialistii recomanda ca aceste aparate sa fie folosite cu precautie mai ales de catre copii si adolescenti.
Folosirea telefonului mobil creste riscul tumorilor la creier
Alte studii desfasurate in ultimii ani arata ca persoanele care au folosit telefoanele mobile timp de peste 10 ani prezinta un risc crescut de a dezvolta diverse tumori la nivelul creierului. Una dintre cercetari arata ca foarte multe persoane risca sa dezvolte gliom, cel mai comun tip de cancer la creier, iar un studiu efectuat de specialisti americani si coreeni a demonstrat ca utilizarea mobilului creste riscul aparitiei tumorilor cerebrale cu 25%.
Specialistii se tem ca radiatiile provenite de la telefoanele mobile pot avea efecte grave asupra sanatatii oamenilor.
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Many young people have become so addicted or obsessed with mobile phones that can not live without them.Mobile phone: a threat to our brains.Several studies in the field show that cell phones and other wireless devices has same endanger the health of our brain. Experts recommend that this product be used with caution especially by children and adolescents.Using a mobile phone increases the risk of brain tumors.
Other studies conducted in recent years show that people who used mobile phones for more than 10 years have an increased risk of developing various brain tumors. One research shows that many people at risk of developing glioma, the most common type of brain cancer, and a study of American and Korean specialists demonstrated that mobile use increases the risk of brain tumors by 25%.Experts fear that radiation from mobile phones can have serious effects on human health.
Other studies conducted in recent years show that people who used mobile phones for more than 10 years have an increased risk of developing various brain tumors. One research shows that many people at risk of developing glioma, the most common type of brain cancer, and a study of American and Korean specialists demonstrated that mobile use increases the risk of brain tumors by 25%.Experts fear that radiation from mobile phones can have serious effects on human health.
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