Engleza, întrebare adresată de oana4u7, 9 ani în urmă

Traduceti urmatoarele propoziti in limba engleza :
-Anul trecut mi-am petrecut craciunul cu prieteni
-Anul trecut pe vremea asta inotam cu delfini
-Ieri la ora 10 lu-am micul dejun
-Ieri am mancat paine cu unt si miere la micul dejun
-Saptamana trecuta am facut multe fotografi
-Saptamana trecuta pe vreamea asta faceam clatite.\
Va rog !!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de catrix
Last year, I spent Christmas with my friends.

This time last year I was swimming with dolphins

Yesterday at 10 o'clock I was having breakfast

Yesterday I ate bread woth butter and honey for breakfast

Last week I took many photos

This time last week I was making pancakes

Răspuns de Summer2016
-Last year I spent Christmas with friends 
Last year in this swim with dolphins
Yesterday at 10:00 a.m. grab breakfast
Yesterday I ate bread with butter and honey for breakfast
Last week I did a lot of photographers
Last week we were doing in this batter
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