Engleza, întrebare adresată de Cristinika, 9 ani în urmă

Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza :
1. Am luat masa in oras, ieri.
2. El mi-a dat o carte interesanta.
3. Sabina a scris o poezie.
4. Mama ne-a dus la film saptamana trecuta.
5. M-am plimbat cu bicicleta in parc aseara.
6. Pisica mea s-a ascuns dupa un copac.
7. Ea a ales o rochie lunga pentru petrecere.
8. Mark si-a rupt mana jucand fotbal.
9. Mama a vorbit cu profesoara mea de franceza.
10. Tata m-a dus cu masina la scoala ieri.

Va rog,daca se poate, sa nu treduceti pe Google doar ca sa faceti puncte. Daca stiti fara Google bine,daca nu,nu raspundeti.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de 33Bubu33
1.Yesterday,I had the dinner (cina de exemplu) in The city.<br />2.He gave me an interesting book.<br />3. Sabina wrote a poetry. <br />4.Mom took us to the cinema last week.<br />5. I rode the bike last night.<br />6.My cat hid in the back of a tree.<br />7. She took a long dress for tonight. <br />8. Mark broke his arm playing football.<br />9. My mother talked with my french teacher.<br />10. Dad took me with the car,yesterday.<br />
Răspuns de MihaiVideosHD
1 I had lunch in town,yesterday.
2 He give me an interesting book.
3 Sabrina wrote a poem.
4 My mother took us to the movie last week.
5 I walcked the bike  in the park last night.
6 My cat was hiding behind a tree.
7She choose  a long dress for the party.
8 Mark broke his hand playing football.
9My mother talked  to my French teacher .
10 My father took me by car to school yesterday .

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