Engleza, întrebare adresată de terraterra, 9 ani în urmă

traduceti va rog fara google translate  plz. cine este bun si foarte bun.
de tradus:
ma intrebam daca imi poti spune daca  pot gasi cazare in apropiere de locul in care are loc concertul
as aprecia daca mi-ai spune ce  trupa rock va canta
mi-ar placea daca mi-ai spune daca pretul biletului are un discount pentru studenti
iti scriu pentru a intreba despre mai multe informatii( i am wrtiting to ask for) despre concertul rock care va avea loc in bucuresti luna aceasta.
nu am mai multe puncte dar dau mutlumesc vot si cel mai bun raspuns. plz help

terraterra: sa fie cat de corect posibile ca fac compunere cu ele si imi pune nota.
terraterra: in engleza . scz ca nu am spus dar se vede m,ateria la care am pus intrebarea

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de CameliaIgnat
1. I wonder if you can tell me if I can find housing anywhere close to where the concert takes place.
2. I would appreciate if you would tell me what rock band will perform.
3. I would appreciate if you would tell me if the ticked price has a discount for students.
4. I am writing to ask for more information about the rock concert that will take place this month in Bucharest.
Răspuns de LiviaAlx
I was wondering if you can tell me if I can find accommodation near the place where the concert takes place
I'd appreciate if you'd tell me what rock band will perform
I would love it if you tell me if the ticket price is a discount for students
write to you to inquire about more information (i am wrtiting to ask for) about the rock concert to be held in Bucharest this month.
I have more points but mutlumesc vote and give the best answer.

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