în septembrie 1620 un vas denumit Mayflower avea la bord 102 pasageri englezi care plecaseră în căutarea lumi unde puteau să-și practice credința în Dumneze. Voiau, desigur, să ajungă în „lumea nouă” (America).
Situația nu a fost favorabilă și când au ajuns au prins o iarnă grea și mulți au murit din cauza bolilor și a foametei. Un băștinaș american i-a învățat pe cei rămași în viață să cultve porumb, să prindă pește și să evite plante otrăvitoare.
Așadar prima datare a acestei zile a fost în 1621 când a fost ținut un festin de „mulțumire” pentru bunătatea lui Dumnezeu care îi ajutase și care le oferise aceste oportunități de a supraviețui.
De atunci este sărbătorită în multe țări această zi și practic „se mulțumește” pentru recolta primită în acel an.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
In September 1620 a ship called the Mayflower had on board 102 English passengers who had gone in search of worlds where they could practice their faith in God. They wanted, of course, to get to the "new world" (America).
The situation was not favorable and when they arrived they caught a hard winter and many died of disease and starvation. A Native American taught the survivors to grow corn, catch fish, and avoid poisonous plants.
So the first dating of this day was in 1621 when a "thanksgiving" feast was held for the goodness of God who had helped them and given them these opportunities to survive.
Since then, this day is celebrated in many countries and practically "thanks" for the harvest received that year.
Sper să fie bine totul!
In September 1620 a ship called the Mayflower had on board 102 English passengers who had gone in search of worlds where they could practice their faith in God. They wanted, of course, to get to the "new world" (America).
The situation was not favorable and when they arrived they caught a hard winter and many died of disease and starvation. A Native American taught the survivors to grow corn, catch fish, and avoid poisonous plants.
So the first dating of this day was in 1621 when a "thanksgiving" feast was held for the goodness of God who had helped them and given them these opportunities to survive.
Since then, this day is celebrated in many countries and practically "thanks" for the harvest received that year.