Engleza, întrebare adresată de lavygrady, 10 ani în urmă

transformati la njegativ si interogativ propozitiile:
1) It was snowing when I went out yesterday.
2) I had breakfast quite late today.
3) We are having breakfast when the postman brought the telegram.
4) I read a lot of English books during to summer holidays.
5) I was reading your letter when my sister kaim in.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de luck
Wasn't it snowing when I went out yesterday?
Didn't you have breakfast quite late today?
Weren't you having breakfast when the postman brought the telegram?
Didn't you read a lot of English books during the summer holidays?
Weren't you reading my letter when your sister came in? 

lavygrady: la negativ nu ai facut,nu?
luck: Le-am facut direct la negativ si interogativ, le voiai separat? Ti le fac si separat daca doresti.
luck: Interogativ:
Was it snowing when I went out yesterday?
Did you have breakfast quite late today?
luck: Ups, am apasat send prea repede, uite continuarea:
3) Were you having breakfast when the postman brought the telegram?
4) Did you read a lot of English books during the summer holidays?
5) Were you reading my letter when your sister came in?
luck: Negativ:
1)It wasn't snowing when I went out yesterday.
2)I didn't have breakfast quite late today.
3)I wasn't having breakfast when the postman brought the telegram.
4)I didn't read a lot of English books during the summer holidays.
5) I was reading your letter when my sister came in.
lavygrady: ms mult :)
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