Engleza, întrebare adresată de timeeavlad2646, 8 ani în urmă

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
2 As cities get bigger, they become more exciting. (the).
The bigger cities........ they become.
3. At midday it's so hot that we can't work. (too) It's ....... work at midday.
4. Are there any flights to Athens which are cheaper than this? (flight)
Is this ...........Athens?
5. The train is more expensive than the coach. (cheap)
The train .......... the coach.
6. I have never seen such a tall building before. (I )
This building is the......seen.
7. I'm too young to drive a car. (enough)
I'm ........drive a car.
8. I can't understand them because they speak so quickly. (me)
They speak........ understand.
the word is in parantheses ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de shela0102
1. The bigger cities , the exciting they become.
2. It,s too hot to work at mid day.
3.Is this the cheapest flight to Athens?
4. The train is cheaper than the coach.
5. This blg.is the tallest Ive ever seen.
6. Im not old enough to drive a car.
7.They speak rapidly to me to understand.
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