Engleza, întrebare adresată de marianaluiza35, 9 ani în urmă

1. Casa fusese vanduta, apoi a fost renovata de catre noii proprietari.
2. Acesti ochelari de soare nu vor fi niciodata vanduti pentru ca ei sunt prea scumpi.
3. Ceasul tau a fost uitat pe masa, asa ca acesta a fost luat de catre cineva.
4. Ieri dupa-amiaza la ora 5, o poveste era spusa de catre mama in timp ce cina era gatita de catre bunica.
5. Aceasta carte poate fi citita de catre toti copiii din clasa si aceasta ar trebui sa fie citita si de catre adulti.

Traduceti doar daca stiti bine engleza, cu timpuri verbale cu tot! Mersi

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de AnaRusso112
1 The house had been sold and then renovated by new owners
2These sunglasses will never be sold because they are too expensive
3Your watch was forgotten on the table so it was taken by someone
4Yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock, a story was told by the mother while the dinner was cooked by the grandmother.
5. This book can be read by all children in the class and this should be read by adults as well

marianaluiza35: Multumesc frumos!!! ma gandesc cui sa-i dau coroana
AnaRusso112: ok
marianaluiza35: A ta e, gata :)))))))
AnaRusso112: mersii
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