Engleza, întrebare adresată de Laura17, 9 ani în urmă

Translate into English:
1.Paul m-a intrebat de ce am auuns atat de tarziu.
2. Cand politia a gasit-o pe fetita,ea se plimba singura pe strazi de ore intregi.
3. A vrut sa stie ce tari straine am vizitat.
4. Cand l-am intalnit pe Fred ,el isi astepta sotia de mai bine de o ora.
5. Lucrau deja in laboratorul acela de cateva luni cand au facut descoperirea .
6. Maggy se intreaba unde si-a lasat umbrela.
7. Cand profesoara l-a intrebat pe George de ce nu si-a scris exercitiul,el i-a explicat ca a fost bolnav.
8. De-abia au ajuns la cabana,ca s-a si facut intuneric.
9. Se uitau la noi ca si cum n-ar fi auzit ce i-am intrebat.
10. Daca ii stiam adresa,ii scriam o scrisoare lunga despre cele intamplate aici.

Nu vreau cu google translate ca nu imi traduce bine,deci daca cineva stie,sa ma ajute. Nu sa caute pe google translate. Multumesc anticipat :*

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de anna12334
1. Paul asked me why I auuns so late.2. When the police found it on the girl, she walks alone through the streets for hours.3. he wanted to know what foreign countries I visited.4. when I met Fred, he was waiting for his wife for more than an hour.5. already in the same laboratory had been working for several months when they made the discovery.6. wonder where they Maggy has left the umbrella.7. when the teacher asked him why George has written exercise, he explained that he was sick.8. barely arrived at the cottage, as was done in the dark.9. we looked as if it would not have heard what i asked.10. If you know the address, I was writing a long letter on about what happened here.

Laura17: Ai facut cu google translate?
anna12334: nu
anna12334: ce inseamna gog\oogle trenslete
anna12334: ?/
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