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a)Este duminica din nou și sunt așa plictisit,nu știu ce sa fac,mama este in bucatarie și gătește,tata este in grădina și tunde iarba,el întotdeauna muncește in grădina duminica dimineata,fratele meu este in camera lui și își face temele,el studiază pentru testul la istorie,el niciodată nu se joaca cu mine,bunicul își citește ziarul și bunica croșetează un pulover pentru mine,puloverul este galben și urasc galbenul
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
It’s Sunday again and I’m bored, I don’t know what to do, mum is in the kitchen and she’s cooking, dad is in the garden and he’s cutting the grass, he is always working in the garden Sunday mornings, my brotjer is in his room and doing his homework, he is studying for his History test, he never playd with me, my grandpa is reading his newspaper and my grandma kneeting a jumper, the jumper is yellow and I hate yellow
Răspuns de
It is Sunday again andI am so bored , I don't know what to do , my mother is in the kitchen and cooking , father is in the garden and trims the grass , he always work in garden in Sundays . In the morning , my brother is in his room and he makes his homeworks , he study for the test at History .He never play with me.Grandpa is reading his newspaper and grandma sweater a pullover dor me .The pullover is yellow and I hate yellow .
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