Engleza, întrebare adresată de moldo231, 8 ani în urmă

Translate the following text using the right forms of Present Simple and Present Continuous:
Prietenul meu Wugang este nou in clasa noastra, vine din China. Parintii si sora lui nu stiu romana asa ca vorbesc mereu in chineza si engleza cand ne intalnim. Imi place sa il ascult pe Wugang vorbind chineza, invat un cuvant nou in fiecare zi. In perioada aceasta Wugang invata romana. Astazi, Wugang si parintii lui se pregatesc pentru Anul Nou Chinezesc – un festival foarte important in tara lor. Chinezii poarta de obicei haine rosii la festival si pun numeroase decoratiuni si flori la ferestre. In acest moment, parintii lui Wugang fac curatenie in casa, pentru ca fac asta mereu inainte de festival. Wugang si sora lui nu ii ajuta, ei fac niste prajituri speciale pentru festival.
Wugang mi-a promis ca in prima vacanta, in decembrie, ma ia cu el in China sa vizitez orasul lui natal. Orasul lui este foarte popular pentru festivalurile lunare, in fiecare an vin milioane de turisti, in special in timpul verii, cand sosesc din toate colturile lumii. De obicei, turistii participa la toate festivalurile, dar acum nu vin foarte multi pentru ca este foarte frig in perioada aceasta a anului.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Rinahrtslvr


My friend Wugang is new in our class, he comes from China. His parents and his sister dont know romanian, so they always speak chinese or English whenever we meet. I like hearing Wugang speaking chinese, i learn a new word every day.In this period, Wugang is learning romanian. Today, Wugang and his parents are getting ready for the Chinese New year - A very important festival in their country. The chinese people usually wear red clothes at the festival and hang up numerous decorations and flowers on the windows. In this moment, Wugang's parents are cleaning up the house, because they always do this before the start of the festival. Wugang and his sister aren't helping them, they're making some special delicacies for the festival.Wugang promised me that in the first vacation, in december, he will take me in China so that i can visit his hometown. His city is very popular for the monthly festivals, in each year having up to 1 million tourists, especially during summer,when they come from all the edges of the world. Usually, tourists actually participate at all festivals, but now they aren't coming so frequently due to it being cold in this period of the year.

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