Engleza, întrebare adresată de allexandra629, 9 ani în urmă

Translate the sentences

1. Învăţătorul făcea afaceri cu interpretul, când acesta se înfurie brusc şi-l întrebă pentru cine face el reguli, dat fiind că nimeni nu are de gând să respecte regulile unui învăţător.

2. Îşi aminteşte clientul tău cât i-au luat la garaj pentru repararea maşinii atunci când era în excursie în Japonia, şi de ce au trecut reparaţiile în contul tatălui lui vitreg, ceea ce fac de obicei garajele japoneze ori de câte ori se strâmbă cineva în vreme ce ei repară o maşină?

3. De câte ori îl acuza poliţia pe expert de furtul unui tablou cunoscut al lui Michelangelo, acesta făcea o plecăciune, susţinea că fapta aceasta face cinste profesiei lui, şi, invariabil, nega delictul de care fusese acuzat.

4. Cunoştinţa mea şi-a pierdut averea pe când flecărea cu prietenele, şi, într-o bună zi, i-a dat prin minte că aceste prietene ale ei fac mereu pe câte cineva să-şi piardă moştenirea prin înşelăciuni, fiindcă toate sunt avocate necinstite şi strică viaţa tuturor.

5. În cine trăgea cu puşca dactilografa care-ţi verifica manuscrisul, atunci când ţi-ai dat seama că este o criminală, şi ai hotărât să-i înşfaci puşca din mână, pe când ea a rămas nemişcată, şi se holba la tine cu gura căscată?

6. Curteanul răspândea zvonul că prinţesa are nevoie să fie înveselită, pentru că ştie că o să aibă tripleţi, şi, de asemenea, pentru că străbunicul ei a ameninţat-o că o dezmoşteneşte, dacă-i va mai fura ţigările de câte ori aude că le creşte preţul.

7. Racul se trezi mânjit tot cu unt, şi tocmai îşi ruga rudele din partea mamei să aştepte până se curăţă, când vărul lui de-al doilea îl întrebă mânios cât îi va lua să se cureţe, şi adăugă că mai mereu îşi ţinea racul rudele de sânge să-l aştepte, pentru că stătea culcat în pat zile-n şir.

8. Cusătoreasa spăla vasele atunci când sora ei vitregă îi aminti că trebuie să coboare scările în salon, unde părinţii ei adoptivi o aşteaptă să le citească din Dickens.

9. Tânărul daltonist tocmai îşi închidea biroul când îl vizitară socrii lui, şi-i admirară grădina, care era plină de flori ce se închideau noaptea, şi îl descusură dacă duce vreodată flori gemenelor lui, întrucât sunt sânge din sângele lui, şi merită tot ce este mai bun.

10. Croitoreasa şi dansatorul se despărţiră în cele din urmă, deoarece amândoi simţeau că nu se potrivesc, dar, după aceea, faţa ei se întuneca de câte ori îi auzea numele, ori atunci când începeau prietenii comuni să întrebe cu cine mai iese, iar ea replica doar că nu iese cu cineva anume încă.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Arina29arina29


1. The teacher was doing business with the interpreter, when he suddenly became angry and asked him who he was making rules for, since no one was going to follow a teacher's rules.

2. Remember your customer how much they took them to the garage to repair the car when he was on a trip to Japan, and why they passed the repairs to his stepfather's account, which Japanese garages usually do whenever someone breaks down. while they are repairing a car?

3. Whenever the police accused the expert of stealing a well-known painting of Michelangelo, he bowed, claimed that the act honored his profession, and invariably denied the crime of which he had been accused.

4. My acquaintance lost her fortune while chatting with her friends, and one day it occurred to her that these friends of hers always make someone lose their inheritance by deception, because they are all dishonest lawyers. and ruins everyone's life.

5. Who was the typist who was checking your manuscript with the rifle, when you realized she was a murderer, and you decided to grab her rifle from her hand, while she stood still, and stared at you with mouth open?

6. The courtier spread the rumor that the princess needed to be cheered on, because she knew she was going to have triplets, and also because her great-grandfather had threatened to disinherit her if he stole her cigarettes whenever she heard them. that their price increases.

7. The cancer man woke up smeared with butter, and was just begging his mother's relatives to wait until it was clean, when his second cousin asked him angrily how long it would take him to clean up, adding that he always kept his cancer. blood relatives to wait for him, because he had been lying in bed for days.

8. The seamstress was washing the dishes when her step-sister reminded her that she had to go downstairs to the living room, where her adoptive parents were waiting for her to read them from Dickens.

9. The young colorblind man was closing his office when his in-laws visited him, admired his garden, which was full of flowers that closed at night, and told him if he ever brought flowers to his twins, because they are blood from his blood, and he deserves everything. what is the best.

10. The seamstress and the dancer eventually broke up, as they both felt they didn't fit, but then her face darkened whenever she heard his name, or when mutual friends began to ask who she was dating, and she just replied that she wasn't dating anyone yet.

Răspuns de nica150908

1.The teacher was doing business with the interpreter, when he suddenly gets angry and asks him for whom he makes rules, because no one is going to follow a teacher's rules.

2.Your customer remembers how much they took from the garage to repair the car when he was on a trip to Japan, and why they passed the repairs on to his stepfather's account, which Japanese garages usually do whenever someone breaks down in time. what do they fix a car?

3.Whenever the police accused the expert of stealing a well-known painting of Michelangelo, he bowed, claimed that the act honored his profession, and invariably denied the crime of which he had been accused.

4.My acquaintance lost her fortune while chatting with her friends, and one day it occurred to her that these friends of hers always make someone lose their inheritance by deception, because they are all dishonest lawyers and spoil everyone's life.

5.Who was the typist who was checking your manuscript with the rifle, when you realized she was a criminal, and you decided to grab her rifle from her hand, while she stood motionless, staring at you with her mouth gaping?

6.The court spread the rumor that the princess needs to be cheered, because she knows that her great-grandfather threatened to disinherit her, if she will take more oil cigarettes whenever she hears that their price will increase.

7.The cancer woke up smeared with butter, and was just asking his mother's relatives to wait until it was clean, when his second cousin asked him angrily how long it would take them to clean up, adding that he always kept his blood relatives from cancer. to wait for him, because he had been lying in bed for days.

8.Seamstress washes the dishes when her step-sister remembered having to go downstairs to the living room, where her adoptive parents were waiting for her to read them from Dickens.

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