Engleza, întrebare adresată de lisenco, 9 ani în urmă

Trebuie sa fac un mini eseu cu teme :
I am proud that my native country is Moldova. Do you agree or disagree.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de laurtraveler
I am proud that my native country is Moldova because I dont see myself living in any other country. 
We got alot of traditional food, celebrations and every foreigner who visited our country said he would do it again. 
Also the most people of our kind has a good sense of humor, and are very friendly with anyone, doesn't matter if you're one of them or not. 
I'd like to end this essay by sustaing strongly my point of view, saying that I'm very proud I live in the heart of a country full of traditions, friendly people and beautiful landscapes created by nature. 
I'm proud that my native country is Moldova, there's no doubt in it. 

Sper ca te-a ajutat, daca ai nevoie de traducere la ce am scris aici, da-mi un mesaj si am sa ti-o traduc sa fii sigur daca e ceea ce ai nevoie. Bafta acolo.

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