Engleza, întrebare adresată de foxxylina56, 8 ani în urmă

Turn into Reported Spach.
1.I want to go home.
.2.He has never ridden a home.
3.I will wait for you tomorrow.
4.He ate all yesterday.
5.We are leaving tomorow.
6. I have been looking for a job.
7.Jack is watching TV now.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard


Turn into Reported Speech.



1. I want to go home.

  • I said (that) I wanted to go home.

2. He has never ridden a horse.

  • He said (that) he had never ridden a horse.

3. I will wait for you tomorrow.

  • I told him (that) I would wait for him the next day.

4. He ate all yesterday.

  • His mother said (that) he had eaten all a day before.

5. We are leaving tomorrow.

  • We said (that) we were leaving the next day.

6. I have been looking for a job.

I explained to her (that) I had been looking for a job.

7. Jack is watching TV now.

Jack said (that) he was watching TV at that moment.



Atunci când verbul din propoziţia principală (She said, he asked etc.) este la un timp trecut, atunci se schimbă şi timpurile verbale din propoziţia sau propoziţiile secundare, ordonându-se cronologic.

1. Present Tense devine Past Tense:

  • She said: "I am sure you are ok." >> She said (that) she was sure I was ok.

2. Past Tense devine Past Perfect:

  • She said: "I was sure you were ok." >> She said (that) she had been sure I had been ok.

3. Future devine Conditional Present:

  • She said: "I will look for you" >> She said (that) she would look for me.



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