Engleza, întrebare adresată de galitaandrei, 8 ani în urmă

Turn the following sentences into Reported Speach.


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Outstanding

Hi there!

1. Anne said that she was writing the last page of the report that very moment, and she would send it to him soon.

2. Mary and Ronny told me that they had visited the Versailles Museum the summer before, and they had been impressed.

3. One of my colleagues complained that he had had too much to work in the last time.

4. Sarah said that she had been most interested in the announcement.

5. The bank officials announced that the interest would hike by 0.5% that quarter.

6. The general manager of the retailer announced that that year the company's sales had had increased over expectations.

7. My boyfriend announced me that he had presented his resignation several days before, so he would leave the company very soon.

8. Christine apologized that she would have liked to stay with me more, but she really had to go.

9. My girlfriend said that they would leave as soon as she finished her work.

10. My aunt said the day before that she would leave that company as soon as she found something better paid and more interesting.

galitaandrei: mulțumesc foarte mult
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