Engleza, întrebare adresată de elisapavel987, 8 ani în urmă

Turn the sentences into reported speech. In which of the following sentences do the tenses not change? In which do they not have to be changed? Why?​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de evadavid2306


1. The instructions say that the camera needs two batteries

2. Jill said that she had finished the letters he had asked her to write.

3. The teacher said that pandas live in China

4. Dad said it was time for bed

5. Toby said it was he had to tidy his bedroom then

6. The article says that there had been an increase in the number...

7. Mr. Brown said that his son was going to work abroad

8. He said that he should have bought her a present

9. My sister always says that she is never going to have a pet

10. Alyson said the taxi was there

11. Mr Collins says that I needn't work late this evening

12. She told me she would pick me up..

13. He said that coal is found underground

14. She said to her son that he ought to go to the doctor

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