Engleza, întrebare adresată de maremica675Sportiva, 9 ani în urmă

Turn these direct questions into reported questions.
1) 'Do you read a daily newspaper?' she asked.
2)'What's your favourite TV programme?' she asked.
3)'Is satellite television growing?' she asked.
4)'Where do most people listen to the radio in your country?' she asked.
5) 'Do you read a Sunday paper <' she asked.
6) 'Have you watched any TV today?'she asked

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard




Turn these direct questions into reported questions.

Treceţi aceste întrebări la vorbirea indirectă.

1) 'Do you read a daily newspaper?' she asked.

2) 'What's your favourite TV programme?' she asked.

3) 'Is satellite television growing?' she asked.

4) 'Where do most people listen to the radio in your country?' she asked.

5) 'Do you read a Sunday paper?' she asked.

6) 'Have you watched any TV today?'she asked.


Rezolvarea exerciţiului:

1) 'Do you read a daily newspaper?' she asked.

She asked if I read a daily newspaper.

2) 'What's your favourite TV programme?' she asked.

She asked what my favourite TV programme was.

3) 'Is satellite television growing?' she asked.

She asked if satellite television was growing.

4) 'Where do most people listen to the radio in your country?' she asked.

She asked where most people listened to the radio in my country.

5) 'Do you read a Sunday paper?' she asked.

She asked if I read a Sunday paper.

6) 'Have you watched any TV today?'she asked.

She asked if I had watched any TV that day.



  • Vorbirea indirectă (reported/indirect speech) se foloseşte pentru a vorbi despre trecut, de aceea vom schimba timpurile verbelor folosite în vorbirea directă de către interlocutor.
  • În vorbirea indirectă, folosim verbe precum "a spune", "a zice", "a relata", "a întreba".
  • În vorbirea indirectă nu mai folosim ghilimelele.

He said "I know the truth". (direct speech)

He said (that) he knew the truth. (indirect speech)

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