Un basm in engleza, de 15 randuri, trebui basm facut de tine!! Dau coroana
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Once upon a time, there was a powerfull knight. He had a huge power, but he was missing something, the love. He tought "the love" is a powerfull force, for powerfull humans like him, so he started searching for it. He fighted mighty monsters, explored dangerous dungeons, but for nothing, he didn't find any love. After this journey, he tought it's something, a thing, or a potion, so he started searghing it. He went to all the wizzards and witches from it's village, but he, again, didn't find anytning. After all of these, hi gived up...
In one day, he saw a kid, and he tought it's a last solution. He said:
-Hello, kid...
The kid was scared, beacuse he tought the knight will hurt him.
Don't be scared, i've got just a question...
-um......ok... .said the kid scared
-Do you know what love is?
-It's a feeling, sir. Every one has love inside
-but why i can't feel it? said the knight
-you're gonna fell it, wait.....
-Oh.....okay kid....said the knight.
He was waiting, days and nights, but nothing happened, but in one day, he saw a woman, he feelt something inside
Is it the love? I think it is...
The story is long, but you need to know one thing, love is inside anybody!
poate nu am crezi, si ai tot dreptul la asta, dar acum mi-a venit, sper ca te-am ajutat, e un pic cam lung dar na....sper sa te ajute =)