un dialog in engleza cu colegul de banca
Răspunsuri la întrebare
„Hey, good to see you!”
„Hi there, nice to see you as well! What have you been up to lately?”
„Not much, to be honest. I've been up all night doing my physics homework. I found it to be more difficult than usual. What about you?”
„Oh, I've already done it during the weekend. But yeah, it did seem somewhat difficult. Since I had some spare time last night, I decided to play some video games with my friends. We had lots of fun.”
„Sometimes I wish I were as organised as you are. I always want to do my homework doing the weekend, but I end up doing something completely different and then I have no time for homework during the week.”
„To be fair, I don't really know what advice I could give you. I have always been like this - I like doing all of my homework at the beginning of the weekend or the holiday to get it off my mind, then focus on other things that interest me. Other kids are mean and they call me a nerd for doing this. Sometimes I wish I were more like you, believe it or not!”
„Well, I have to say - There is indeed a nice feeling to be playing video games all day long after you've done nothing but school related work for the past five days. But I don't think that's the right approach either. We must both find some balance in between.”
„Agreed. Hey, I can hear the teacher coming. We'll talk more during the recess.”
„Alright, sure.”
De reținut!
- În limba engleză nu există linie de dialog, ca în română, deci în momentul în care vrem să alcătuim un dialog, folosim ghilimelele.
- Lumberjack25