Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

Un dialog între 2 persoane,una dintre persoane s a mutat,cealalta vrea sa vada cum e casa. Sa fie de minim o pagină jumate de caiet studențesc! dau coroana celui mai bun raspuns​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de caremennicola2


-Hello, Andrew! How are you?

-I'm good! I want to know how the house looks. Can you tell me?

-"Of course! My house is red, with two windows. In The living room there's a TV, a șofa and a carpet. The bedroom has a bed in it, the walls are blue, and there's even a computer! The kitchen has a oven, some forks, spoons and knifes.

-WOW! Your house looks good! Wish i could see IT...

-Dont worry! Tommorow there's a bus coming to the restaurant that has the name "Luigi". The bus goes everywhere. Hop in it, tell The driver to stop at me and you can see The house

-OK! See you tommorow!

Utilizator anonim: hai ca e o jumate de pagină daca e
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