Engleza, întrebare adresată de gabrielaantohi76, 9 ani în urmă

un model după acesta care știe? ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de lija

Ți-am scris aici :) I hope this helps you and good luck on your bac :)

gabrielaantohi76: mulțumesc frumos , Doamne ajută !
gabrielaantohi76: dar daca scriu yahoo in loc de gmail are ceva?
lija: Nu eu am scris gmail doar ca exemplu
Răspuns de AnaIndrecan

TO: ( numele prietenului tau)

FROM: ( numele tau)

SUBJECT: I'm really sorry!

Hey, (numele prietenului tau)!... You know I love you and that I'm your best friend, right? Okay, so you know that I recently borrowed your DVD player, right? Well...by accident, it may or may not has broken. NOW, before you call me and dream at me, I just want to explain how it happened.

You know, me being the clumsy girl/boy I am, I accidentally stepped on it and it broker. I really disney mean to! I was searching for it because I was planning to give it back to you, and I didn't see it on the floor. I know, you are probablly going to nag be about how country I am, but really, I am so sorry!

I promise that I will pay for a new one, I'll talk to my parents and tell them what japoneza and they will surely buy you a new one! I hope you are not mad at me, I know you are probablly dissapointed because I know how much you liked tat DVD player. But I will make it up to you, I promise!

P.S. I love you, best friend.

AnaIndrecan: Succes! :)
gabrielaantohi76: mersi mult !
AnaIndrecan: cu placere!
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