Engleza, întrebare adresată de GiGiDeluxe, 9 ani în urmă

URGENT! ! ! Am nevoie de 5 Textuleţe în care să folosesc Colour Idioms . Vă rog frumos să mă ajutaţi e urgent pe luni . Textele să aibă logica , să fie frumoase . Mulţumesc.

Sebastyan29: tu ce clasa esti?
GiGiDeluxe: 8-a
Sebastyan29: ooo...succes la examene!
Sebastyan29: daca nu iti pune nota buna profa de engleza sa o certi din partea mea!
Sebastyan29: hai ca te las sa scri!
Sebastyan29: ma bucur ca am putut sa te ajut!
GiGiDeluxe: ok
GiGiDeluxe: mersi
Sebastyan29: nu ai pt ce!
Sebastyan29: Bafta!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Sebastyan29
1.Black eye- a bruise near one's eye
My brother came home with a horrible black eye from school, but he won't tell us what happened!
2. Beet red- usually to describe a face
My friend's face turned beet red when I caught her singing in the shower.
3. Black and white- straight forward, very clear
The rules we gave for our kids were black and white. No answering the door!
4. Have the blues- be sad or depressed
I always have the blues when my teacher give me a lot to work at home.
5. The green light- permission
My mom give me the green light to play on tablet for one hour.
6. Tickled pink- very pleased and appreciative
When my father brought roses home for my mom, she was tockled pink.
7. See red- be very angry
I see red when the dog bite sister's leg.
8. Black out-faint
I always black out at the sight of blood.

Am facut mai mult de 5...ia si tu ce ti se pare ok.
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