Engleza, întrebare adresată de AdnanaBudeanu, 9 ani în urmă

Urgent!!Heei..Dau multe punctee+ coroana! <3
Am nevoie de intrebari dezvoltate+traducere (nu Google Translate) cu urmatoarele cuvinte:
-area (zona)
-croft (ferma)
-riot (rascoala)
-appalling (ingrozitor)
-clearances (evacuare)
-landlord (proprietar)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Dana89
I new Mall will be built soon in our area.
My aunt is moving to Britain and she is looking to buy an old croft house.
If people's wages don't increase soon, there will soon be a riot.
The way the patients were treated was appalling.
In 18th century Scotland, hundreds of people were evacuated during the "Clearance" period.
The landlords demanded more money from the tenants.

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