urgent va rog e urgent dau coroană am nevoie de o compunere asemănătoare dar sa fie puțin mai lunga urgent am pe mâine tema !!!! de la 1 Tony

Răspunsuri la întrebare
1- Susan is a beautiful girl.She is the most beautiful girl in the town.
susan e o fata frumoassa.Este cea mai frumoasa fata din oras.
2- She lives with her parents.She has a brother and a younger sister.
ea locuieste cu parintii ei.Are un frate si o sora mai mica
3-She likes fancy clothes in bright colors .
ii plac hainele elegante in culori vii.
4- She is very popular and she has a lot of friends in town,most of them are girls of her age.
este foarte populara si are multi prieteni in oras, ,majoritatea sunt fete de varsta ei
5- She spends a lot of time talking on her mobile (phone) with her friends.She can't live without her mobile.She talks,mostly about fashion.
petrece mult timp vorbind la mobil cu prietenele.nu poate sa traiasca fara mobil.Vorbeste in special despre moda
6-She would like to wear some make-up but her mom doesn't allow her to put any make-up on her face.
i-ar placea sa se fardeze putin ,dar mam ei nu-i da voie sa-si puna vre un fard pe fata
7-Last year, on her birthday she received a puppy as a gift.She likes it very much,she calls it Snowball as it's white.She doesn't take care of it though.
anul trecut ,de ziua ei a primit un pui de catel.Ii place f mult,il numeste snowball (bulgare de zapada) pt ca e alb.Totusi nu are grija de el
8- She likes to dance and she's a cheerleader at her school.
Ii place sa danseze si este majoreta la scoala ei
9- She laughs a lot and she likes good jokes because she has a special sense of humor .
rade mult si ii plac glumele bune pt ca are un simt al umorului special
10-people say she is superficial but i think she will change in time.
oamenii spun ca e superficiala dar eu cred ca se va schimba in timp/cu trecerea timpului