Engleza, întrebare adresată de danpanas, 8 ani în urmă

Use the correct form of the verb
Every family in the country (own/owns) a television .
The police (has/have) arrested Tom.
A group of us (is/are) going the cinema this evening.
The government (want/wants ) to reduce taxes

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de MrsAnca

Every family in the country OWNS a television .

PLURALUL se foloseste numai cand te referi la membrii familiei.Aici e vorba de familie ca tot unitar deci pui singularul.

The police HAS arrested Tom.

A group of us IS going the cinema this evening.

The government WANTS to reduce taxes

Coroana? chai am nevoie ca sa trec de la AS la GENIU.ms

MrsAnca: marcheaza cel mai bun raspuns te rog ca sa trec la geniu.ms
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