Engleza, întrebare adresată de grigorceacostel, 9 ani în urmă

use the verbs brackets in the correct form
a) she will catch the train il she (to hurry)
b) we (to go ) for a walk il the weather is fine .
c) if you (to read ) this book ,you will like it
d) the children will eat all the cakes if they (to find) them
e)if william (to work ) hard , he will pas exam .
va rog mult

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de carmenbadea34
a) She will catch the train if she hurries.
b) We will go for a walk if the weather is fine.
c) If you read this book, you will like it.
d) The children will eat all the cakes if they find them.
e) If William works hard, he wiil pass the exam.

grigorceacostel: ms mult
carmenbadea34: Cu placere!
carmenbadea34: Coronita?
grigorceacostel: am o intrebare la read si find de ce nu se pune nimic ?
grigorceacostel: da coroana cand imi apare
carmenbadea34: Pentru ca aceea este forma de prezent si este identica cu cea de infinitiv.
grigorceacostel: a mersi
carmenbadea34: Cu placere!
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