Engleza, întrebare adresată de marianaceban02, 8 ani în urmă

Use the words in capitals to form a word that
completes the sentence.
1 He did not give his opinion, saying that
he didn’t want to pass ......................... .
2 After being .............................. accused
of theft, he sued the police for í50,000.
3 There are no ..........................................
on the number of people each member
can bring along.
4 The weather is very ...............................
in this part of the country; one minute
it’s sunny, the next it’s suddenly snowing.
5 He has been ...................................... for
several months now, and he is beginning
to lose heart.
6 If you need ...........................................
information, please talk to the librarian.
7 We sent out 500 ...............................,
but only about 100 people attended.
8 The ........................................... gave a
speech which made the delegates trust
him again.
9 The .......................................... told
the squad to wait for his signal before
entering the burning building.
10 She held the baby in her arms with a
................................................... smile.
11 .......................................... in the office
will be punished with a fine.
12There is still a lot of ...............................
in the team despite my assurances.
13 His strong alibi led to his .......................
from police inquiries.
14 He has always been an .........................
person; next week he’s going bungee
15 We had to work very hard, but the
results were very ...............................

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de laura271072


1 He did not give his opinion, saying that  he didn’t want to pass JUDGEMENTAL .

2 After being WRONGLY accused

of theft, he sued the police for í50,000.

3 There are no RESTRICIONS on the number of people each member

can bring along.

4 The weather is very CHANGING in this part of the country; one minute

it’s sunny, the next it’s suddenly snowing.

5 He has been EMPLOYED for  several months now, and he is beginning

to lose heart.

6 If you need ADDED information, please talk to the librarian.

7 We sent out 500 INVITAIONS, but only about 100 people attended.

8 The GOVERNOR  gave a  speech which made the delegates trust

him again.

9 The COMMANDER told  the squad to wait for his signal before

entering the burning building.

10 She held the baby in her arms with a  CONTENT smile.

11 CIVILIANS in the office  will be punished with a fine.

12There is still a lot of SCEPTICISM in the team despite my assurances.

13 His strong alibi led to his ELIMINATION from police inquiries.

14 He has always been an ADVENTUROUS person; next week he’s going bungee  jumping.

15 We had to work very hard, but the  results were very GRATIFING

laura271072: Cu placere:)\
marianaceban02: ❤️❤️
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