Engleza, întrebare adresată de bianca312695, 8 ani în urmă

V) Use the present perfect + ALREADY for an action completed at a time earlier than expected.
Mother: Now, Diana, you must clean your room
Diana: I've already cleaned it, mum.

1) And you must dust the fumiture
2) Don't forget to make the beds.
3) And the dishes-you must wash them
4) And you must iron the tablecloth.
5) And you must buy some fruit, too.
6) Don't forget to put the flowers on the table​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ReffLuxe

1) I've already dusted the furniture.

2) I've already made the beds.

3) I've already washed the dishes.

4) I've already ironed the tablecloth.

5) I've already bought some fruits.

6) I've already put the flowers on the table.

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