Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

va roajutati-ma este foarte urgent într-o ora trebuie predata va rog dau coroana si inima si 5 stele si ma si abonez va rog ajutati-ma ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de miru23072006


1.My mother sets the table at 7.30.

2.She has breakfast at 8.00.

3.She washes the dishes after breakfast.

4.She cleans the house before lunch.

5.She cooks the meal after lunch.

6.She does the shopping in the afternoon.

7.She has dinner at seven p.m.

8.She watches TV after dinner.

9.She does the ironing in the evening.

10. She goes to bed at ten p.m.


1. He goes to school at 8 o`clock.

2. Tim plays basketball on Saturdays.

3. She watches TV in the afternoon.

4. My mum visits her friends in the afternoons.

5. He has dinner at 7.30.

6. They get up very early

7. I do my homework in the evening.

8. We clean the house after lunch.

9. They do the shopping in the afternoon.

10. I brush my theeth before bed.

Sper ca te am ajutat, succes!!

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