Engleza, întrebare adresată de tomsadaniela, 10 ani în urmă

va rod descieti mama voastra si sora voastra in engleza vrio 5 propozitii fiecare

rotarusimona1: Fizic?
rotarusimona1: Trebuie de descris fizic/
tomsadaniela: da
andreeadevder: my mother is beautiful and smart and my sister its a good person who help me

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de rotarusimona1
My mother's name is Silvia. She is 36 years old. Her eyes are blue. Her hair's colour is dark brown and it is not very long. She is not very tall.
My sister's name is Kristina(exemplu). She is 16 years old. Her hairs is long and curly and blonde colour. Her eyes are very big and green. She is tall and not very fat.

tomsadaniela: mersi sora mea se numeste Kristina
tomsadaniela: ai ghicit
tomsadaniela: spune si despre cea mai buna prietena
tomsadaniela: de exemplu ea e politicoasa .................si continua sau inventeaza ceva
rotarusimona1: Prietena ta?
rotarusimona1: I have a lot of friends but from all i have,I can say that the only one is "the best", and she is my best frined Mary(exemplu). She is my best friend because everytimes in the bad moment she supports me. She is very polite and smart. She is very sympathetic! And always when I need help she helps me.
rotarusimona1: Eu am multi prieteni dar din toti numai unul este adevarat, si aceasta este prietena mea maria(exemplu). Ea este prietena mea cea mai buna deoarece in orce moment greu ea ma sustine. Ea este politicoasa si desteapta. Ea este si foarte intelegatoare. Si defiecare data cind a nevoie de ajutor ea ma ajuta. (traducere)
tomsadaniela: mersi
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