Engleza, întrebare adresată de stefa435, 9 ani în urmă

Va rog ajutati-ma cat mai repede ex 2 la engleza dau coroana!! Va-m dat si textu!!


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Florinas55
1.No he doesn't. He always has coffee for breakfast. 2.No he doesn't. He lifts weights and does cardio in the evenings. 3.No he doesn't. Hr eats lots of junk food and never diets. 4.Yes he does. There are many journalist that want to interview him . 5.No they don't. Their show starts at 10pm and late for 2 hours 6.No they don't. After the show,they usually go to a restaurant and relax

stefa435: Multumesc :)
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