Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

va rog ajutați-mă dau coroana e urgent ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de arinaelena77


1.When is your birthday?

2.You walk to school?

3.Can Peter and Paul be neighbors?

4.Does your brother like horror film?

5.Can I be your best friend?

6.Does she work in a bookshop?

7.Our new teacher has a car.

8.Katte and Anna speak Italian.

9.Are you hungry?

10.Do Mike and Ben live in a street like this?

11.Do you know where my keys could be?

12.Does Brian listen to pop music?

13.Why Peter could be so sad?

14.Kelly did help her mother.

15How old are you parents?

16.We go to school on Sunday.

17.Can London be in China?

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