Engleza, întrebare adresată de Ino, 9 ani în urmă


Va rog ajutati-ma !! Help-me!!!


Am de facut la engleza o compunere(desigur in engleza)...

In compunere trebuie sa scriu despre un accident cand ma intorc de la scoala spre casa ! Sa fie aproape de o pagina mica! Si de nota 9-10! Va rog este pentru maine! 

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de gabryeladiana
Today, the last day of the penultimate week, I came back very happy on the way home because it was the last day and all the kids took vacation for three months and a half. And as I go on the road, on the road, a car ran over a copin, aged about 12 years, being in 6th grade. Scared I dusin langasosea hurry and when I looked closer it was my best friend from kindergarten. I started to cry because he was the best friend that I understand the right of celelaltefele Classic thousand. We immediately notified the rescue, because the girl had lost quite a lot of blood, and the victim fled, believing it not have happened jump, her again. After ten minutes, came salvation and the girl was taken to hospital. After two weeks, my best friend died.

Ino: Mi-l traduci te rog?
gabryeladiana: sigur
gabryeladiana: gata..ti lam pus pe profil traducerea
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