Va rog ajutați ma la acest exercițiu.Trebuie să fac cuprinsul acestui text B este începutul și 2 este sfârșitul. Dau coroana.

Răspunsuri la întrebare
B. What would you do if a tigress looked at you sadly through the bars of a cage? I couldn't forget that question as Ran, my guide and I set off to release Tara back into the wild.
It was midnight, but we couldn't stand it anymore. The cruelty of people keeping animals caged was getting out of hand. Our beloved tigress, Tara, was becoming more depressed every day that passed. She was refusing to eat and barely move and that was not good for her unborn babies.
So, here we were, with a perfect plan to save Tara. Ran was going to get the truck and I was going to distract Tara, so she would remain calm. And then Ran was supposed to drive far away into the jungle and we were going top release her there. It all went perfectly until the director of the camp found us.
Turns out he knew about our little escape plan. Luckily, he only met me, so I was able to keep him away while Ran got Tara in the truck. After that, I jumped in the truck as Ran passed by and we were off to the jungle. We made it safely.
A Tara disappeared into the jungle, Ran and I felt relieved. Tara was going to be safe in her new home. She was back where she truly belonged at last.