Engleza, întrebare adresată de magercuoctavianos, 9 ani în urmă

Va rog ajutati-ma maine imi pune nota.Am nevoie de compunere in engleza dupa acest inceput:Dispite every thing that had hapened Henry thought the had been one of the best day in his lifeSa nu fie lunga dar potrivita(9-15 randuri) Multumesc!Nu va bateti joc de puncte!Vreau raspuns!

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Răspuns de horses99
Dospite everything that happened Henry thought that had been the best day in his life. All started when he got the news he was going to visit his father in Peru.so in the fist day of vacation a plane came to take him. He was so enthusiastic about this trip . When he arrived hus father gave him a good hug . There was an awesome week with his dad. But one day was special for him.He made a new friend.A baby panda.Henry played with him feed him and even put it a name. It was Marcel. What a lovely day
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