Engleza, întrebare adresată de ghiealeo, 9 ani în urmă

Va rog ajutatima!! Am de facut o scrisoare de multumire de 6 rânduri (sa fie in engleza ) va rog!!

dada13235: Cui sa-i faci o multumire>?
ghiealeo: Egal sa fie doar de multumire, oricui
dada13235: ok

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de dada13235
i would like to thank everybody that has been amazing to me .
Thank you everybody for your support and all the amazing love
I thank my teacher for teaching me english and everything .\
i wanted to let you know that i sincerely appreciate your help.
With your assistance, i was able to read  books, write etc.
Thank you ! 

Nu stiu.. Speer sa-ti placa ! noroc la scoala

ghiealeo: Multumesc mult
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