Engleza, întrebare adresată de mirunamnt88, 8 ani în urmă

va rog ajutor am nevoie urgent! ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de davidradavoi

He is sleeping. Paul.

She is playing the guitar. Linda.

Thay are watching the TV. Katie and Sam.

He is taking photoes. Peter.

They are running. Rosie and Laura.

They are drinking coffee. Betty and the one that is in the left of her (I cant see the boy drinking coffee)

Sara is raeding a book.

Mike is walking.

Emily and Suzan are playing cards.

John is talking on the phone.

Jane is hanging clothes.

Sally is playing computer games.

Carls is brushing his teeth.

Mark is taking a shower.

Is Laura running? Yes, she is.

Are Betty and Ana eating. No, they're drinking coffee.

Is Katie eating? Yes, she is?

Is Sally studying. No, she is playing computer games.

Are Emily and Susan cooking? No, they're playing cards.

Is Paul working? No, he is sleeping.

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