Vă rog ajutor !!! Compuneţi în 10-12 propoziţi o compunere la tema "A trip to Grocery"
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Cred ca corect ar fi " A trip to the grocery shop " poți folosi titlul cerut dar eu voi folosi titlul acesta.
" A trip to the grocery shop "
Later today , me and my mother went to do the grocery shop. Sadly at the first shop we went , they didn't have all the ingredients we needed for the mince pies that my mother wanted to bake so we went to a hyper market where we got : Flour , Sugar, Milk, Butter . Since we already have bought eggs from the other supermarket. I also got an icecream for myself since I had brought a five dollar bill. My mother also looked at the porcelain section. She wanted to buy a vase but she broke it so we had to pay one 100$ for it! I belive that it didn't cost that much and that only the security and cashieres were crooks. After that we drove home where we baked the mince pies together! The mince pies didn't turn out good. That only because we weren't left with enough money after paying the vase AND the other ingredients. So next week , we are planning to make an pumpkin pie that hopefully turns out better. We do need to save up for the ingredients since my mother is broke since the incident at the shop.
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