Engleza, întrebare adresată de 12maria12fox12, 8 ani în urmă

Vă rog am nevoie urgent​


larisalghn: care ex?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de benjaminmoldovan5


a) I am studying for a test paper this week

Răspuns de bivmalicious

1.a)This week, I'm going to have a hard, difficult test in Maths.

b)Every weekend, John's brother is very happy to play football with his friends.

c)This summer, the sun shined more brightly than ever.

d)Obviously, you, without any effort, are extremely tired today.

e)Her small, brown dog was barking at us when we arrived.

2.a) I don't know when the rain began.

b)She can come with you if she does her homework.

c)He called me before he had gone to the concert.

d)They first invited us to the mountains and then we had a celebration party.

e)The police officer is going to ask them if they are carrying any illegal weapons on them.

f)My friends, who went to the mountains, should most definitely bring us some souvenirs!

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